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Criminal charges filed against Donald Trump and JD Vance

By Bocha Blue | 09/24/2024

Donald Trump’s world of darkness

By Bocha Blue | 09/24/2024

Talk about a no-show

By Ron Leshnower | 09/24/2024

Door number one

By Bocha Blue | 09/24/2024

This is turning into a real page turner

By Lorraine Evanoff | 09/24/2024

Too late now

By Bocha Blue | 09/24/2024

Turns out Trump and the GOP really do have no ground game

By Bill Palmer | 09/24/2024

Another blow for Donald Trump in North Carolina

By Bill Palmer | 09/24/2024

Even for Donald Trump this is just plain embarrassing

By Bill Palmer | 09/24/2024

Unfit and dusty

By Bocha Blue | 09/23/2024


Latest from Bill Palmer

Donald Trump begins late night Twitter meltdown about Michael Flynn and Hillary Clinton

By Bill Palmer | 12/02/2017

After confessing to a felony on Twitter, Donald Trump panics and throws his one of his own people under the bus

By Bill Palmer | 12/02/2017

Michael Flynn’s deputy admits Russia rigged the election for Donald Trump

By Bill Palmer | 12/02/2017

Donald Trump Jr reveals he’s too stupid to understand what’s about to happen to him

By Bill Palmer | 12/02/2017

Stunned reactions after Donald Trump goes berserk and begins tweeting the details of his crimes

By Bill Palmer | 12/02/2017

Donald Trump’s White House Counsel Don McGahn cracks up after Michael Flynn plea deal

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Now we know why Robert Mueller dumped one of his own FBI agents from the Trump-Russia probe

By Bill Palmer | 12/02/2017

Robert Mueller moves in on Jared Kushner

By Bill Palmer | 12/02/2017

Donald Trump flies into Twitter rage about Michael Flynn, confesses to felony

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Did Michael Flynn just take down Ivanka Trump too?

By Bill Palmer | 12/02/2017

This is the worst day of Donald Trump’s life – and it’s about to get far worse for him

By Bill Palmer | 12/02/2017

Michael Flynn may have just incriminated Tom Cotton, Donald Trump’s new CIA Director pick, in Russia scandal

By Bill Palmer | 12/01/2017

The details of Michael Flynn’s plea deal with Robert Mueller are nothing short of brutal

By Bill Palmer | 12/01/2017