
With just weeks to go in this election, Palmer Report is leading the charge in fighting and winning. We've been at this for nearly a decade. You know our track record. Help us get across the finish line: Sure I'll help!

Donald Trump just gave something away with his latest appeal in Judge Chutkan criminal trial

By Bill Palmer | 10/10/2024

Donald Trump goes completely batty

By Bocha Blue | 10/10/2024

“That guy is going to the bathroom!” – Donald Trump melts down about people leaving during his rally speech

By Bill Palmer | 10/10/2024

This is what winning looks like

By Bill Palmer | 10/10/2024

When a man loves a despot

By Robert Harrington | 10/10/2024

John Roberts is out to lunch

By Bocha Blue | 10/10/2024

Confused Donald Trump attacks Detroit while speaking in Detroit

By Bill Palmer | 10/10/2024

President Biden tells Donald Trump to “get a life”

By Bill Palmer | 10/10/2024

This is how it’s done

By James Sullivan | 10/10/2024

Something wrong with this guy

By Shirley Kennedy | 10/10/2024


Latest from Bill Palmer

Nancy Pelosi goes after Matt Gaetz over witness tampering

By Bill Palmer | 02/26/2019

Robert Mueller just won one of his biggest court battles

By Bill Palmer | 02/26/2019

After committing felony witness tampering, Matt Gaetz makes it even worse for himself

By Bill Palmer | 02/26/2019

Looks like GOP Congressman Matt Gaetz just got himself rung up for felony witness tampering

By Bill Palmer | 02/26/2019

Get your popcorn: Michael Cohen has more dirt on Donald Trump than we thought

By Bill Palmer | 02/26/2019

Expert: Robert Mueller has huge Trump-Russia fireworks coming with his final report

By Bill Palmer | 02/26/2019

The brilliant move that Nancy Pelosi just pulled off against Donald Trump and the Republicans

By Bill Palmer | 02/25/2019

What Rod Rosenstein was really trying to tell us today about William Barr and Donald Trump

By Bill Palmer | 02/25/2019

Donald Trump goes completely off the rails and is spiraling out of control

By Bill Palmer | 02/25/2019

Former Florida Attorney General Pam Bondi is right back at the center of Donald Trump’s scandals

By Bill Palmer | 02/25/2019

Michael Cohen is bringing the receipts to his public testimony against Donald Trump

By Bill Palmer | 02/25/2019

House Democrats confirm what Palmer Report already told you about Robert Mueller’s report

By Bill Palmer | 02/25/2019

The number of Donald Trump cabinet members headed to prison just increased by at least one, and maybe two

By Bill Palmer | 02/24/2019