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Things are going pretty much according to script

By Bill Palmer | 04/05/2023

America scores a double victory against Donald Trump

By Bill Palmer | 04/05/2023


By Bocha Blue | 04/05/2023

The Democratic Party-backed candidate has won the Wisconsin Supreme Court race tonight

By Bill Palmer | 04/04/2023

This is all falling apart for Donald Trump in real time

By Bill Palmer | 04/04/2023

Donald Trump’s arrest isn’t going to help him politically. Here’s why it’ll likely do the opposite.

By Bill Palmer | 04/04/2023

The downfall of Donald Trump

By Bocha Blue | 04/04/2023

Looks like Donald Trump Jr. is going the way of his father

By Bocha Blue | 04/04/2023

U.S. Court of Appeals just handed Jack Smith key grand jury witnesses against Donald Trump; indictment endgame seemingly near

By Bill Palmer | 04/04/2023

Redemption Day

By Bocha Blue | 04/04/2023


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