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Even the guy who went to prison for Watergate thinks Donald Trump is too corrupt

By Bill Palmer | 08/28/2016

By declining to stand for the National Anthem, at least Colin Kaepernick is standing for something

By Bill Palmer | 08/27/2016

CNN cancels Dr. Drew’s show after his ignorant remarks about Hillary Clinton’s health

By Bill Palmer | 08/27/2016

Sick bastard Donald Trump brags he’ll get the black vote because NBA star’s cousin was murdered

By Bill Palmer | 08/27/2016

Ben Carson, Ann Coulter and Sarah Palin have all turned against unraveling Donald Trump

By Bill Palmer | 08/26/2016

Trump’s doctor says he would be the healthiest President ever. Obama’s jump shot disagrees.

By Bill Palmer | 08/26/2016

Meet The Cesspool: does Chuck Todd enjoy being full of crap?

By Bill Palmer | 08/24/2016

After being called out, Andrea Mitchell suddenly changes her tune about Hillary Clinton

By Bill Palmer | 08/24/2016

Donald Trump will burn in hell for his sabotage of the Clinton Foundation charity and the lives he’s costing

By Bill Palmer | 08/24/2016

Donald Trump’s alarming weight loss during the campaign, despite no exercise and poor diet

By Bill Palmer | 08/23/2016