
Note from Bill Palmer: Major media outlets are caving to Trump already. Publishing platforms are at risk. Palmer Report is leading the fight. Help me make it happen:
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Vicente Fox fires back after Donald Trump flip flops on Mexican wall

By Bill Palmer | 01/06/2017

Cowardly Donald Trump left Mike Pence to fend off reporters after airport shooting

By Bill Palmer | 01/06/2017

Amid airport shooting, Florida Gov. Rick Scott called Donald Trump but not President Obama

By Bill Palmer | 01/06/2017

Donald Trump’s tweet about Fort Lauderdale airport shooting didn’t even come from him

By Bill Palmer | 01/06/2017

Donald Trump appears to have been tweeting during a legal deposition on Thursday

By Bill Palmer | 01/06/2017

Befuddled Donald Trump, after skipping intel briefings, asks “What is going on?”

By Bill Palmer | 01/06/2017

New York Times Editorial Board condemns Donald Trump for spewing “nonsense”

By Bill Palmer | 01/05/2017

Donald Trump is so flat broke, his debt is now held by 150 different companies

By Bill Palmer | 01/05/2017

Donald Trump can’t get Mexico to pay for border wall, will ask U.S. taxpayers to pay for it

By Bill Palmer | 01/05/2017

Donald Trump to force out all Obama-appointed foreign envoys before replacements arrive

By Bill Palmer | 01/05/2017