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Donald Trump fired Corey Lewandowski days after he approved Carter Page’s trip to Moscow

By Bill Palmer | 03/07/2017

Donald Trump’s jet setting Russian pal Dmitry Rybolovlev hires spokesman from Breitbart

By Bill Palmer | 03/07/2017

Editor’s note regarding our earlier reporting on Reed Cordish

By Bill Palmer | 03/07/2017

Donald Trump campaign signed off on adviser Carter Page’s trip to Moscow during campaign

By Bill Palmer | 03/07/2017

BuzzFeed craps itself after it gets scooped by Palmer Report on Alex Oronov’s death

By Bill Palmer | 03/07/2017

Donald Trump met Russian Ambassador Sergey Kislyak during campaign, greeted him warmly

By Bill Palmer | 03/07/2017

CIA provides binders full of classified evidence on Donald Trump and Russia to Senate Intel Committee

By Bill Palmer | 03/07/2017

Constitutional expert Laurence Tribe says Donald Trump can be impeached for false Obama wiretap claim

By Bill Palmer | 03/06/2017

Donald Trump had money-laundering hotel project in hometown of the Russian who set up Trump Jr. meeting

By Bill Palmer | 03/06/2017

Former Trump employee: Donald Trump admitted to illegally wiretapping his employees

By Bill Palmer | 03/06/2017