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Steve Bannon removed from NSC just one day after claim that Jared Kushner was targeting him

By Bill Palmer | 04/05/2017

The internet thinks Michael Flynn’s female Russian contact is also Roger Stone’s Guccifer 2.0 contact

By Bill Palmer | 04/05/2017

Jeff Merkley is putting on the most impressive filibuster since the Stackhouse filibuster

By Bill Palmer | 04/04/2017

Putin had Assad gas his own Syrian people so Donald Trump would have an excuse for war

By Bill Palmer | 04/04/2017

Supreme Court nominee Neil Gorsuch busted for plagiarism and failing to cite sources in his book

By Bill Palmer | 04/04/2017

Roger Stone loses it, begins attacking Donald Trump’s son-in-law Jared Kushner

By Bill Palmer | 04/04/2017

John McCain rips into “stupid idiot” Republican Senators over Neil Gorsuch confirmation

By Bill Palmer | 04/04/2017

You’re (almost) fired: Donald Trump now saddled with crippling 34% approval rating

By Bill Palmer | 04/03/2017

It’s time to put people out of their misery who yell “fake news” at real news articles

By Bill Palmer | 04/03/2017

Preet Bharara was prosecuting Carter Page’s Russian spy handler when Donald Trump fired him

By Bill Palmer | 04/03/2017