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Fed up CNN analyst David Gergen calls Donald Trump a “son of a b*tch”

By Bill Palmer | 12/02/2016

Here are the Wisconsin votes uncovered by the hand recount that the machines missed

By Bill Palmer | 12/02/2016

NY Times falsely claims “tens of thousands” attended half empty Donald Trump event

By Bill Palmer | 12/01/2016

Donald Trump’s “victory tour” turns into a disaster with largely empty arena

By Bill Palmer | 12/01/2016

Despite judge’s ruling, most Wisconsin counties voluntarily agree to hand recounts

By Bill Palmer | 12/01/2016

Nonprofit group launches fundraiser to sue Florida to force 2016 presidential recount

By Bill Palmer | 12/01/2016

Wisconsin recount: officials find Presidential votes that counting machines missed

By Bill Palmer | 12/01/2016

Donald Trump caught trying to stuff Wisconsin recount with more observers than allowed

By Bill Palmer | 12/01/2016

Desperate Donald Trump files last ditch court petition to try to stop Michigan recount

By Bill Palmer | 12/01/2016

Ahead of recounts, three states admit they “erred” in Trump’s favor by thousands of votes

By Bill Palmer | 12/01/2016