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Here’s a partial list of the times Palmer Report was early to a story, attacked for it, and then subsequently vindicated

By Bill Palmer | 04/19/2017

Brain specialist doctor believes Donald Trump’s frontal lobe is failing

By Bill Palmer | 04/19/2017

Senile Donald Trump thinks Paul Ryan is named “Ron” and Kim Jong-Un took power as a child

By Bill Palmer | 04/18/2017

Donald Trump’s mental lapses rapidly worsen as he keeps calling Paul Ryan by wrong name

By Bill Palmer | 04/18/2017

Pee Pee Tape confirmed? FBI used Trump-Russia dossier to get FISA warrant on Carter Page

By Bill Palmer | 04/18/2017

Fact check: it turns out Donald Trump never sent any U.S. warships to North Korea

By Bill Palmer | 04/18/2017

Looks like Donald Trump got up at 6am today just to watch himself on television

By Bill Palmer | 04/18/2017

Neil Gorsuch crashes and burns in first day of Supreme Court hearings

By Bill Palmer | 04/18/2017

Putin and the Kremlin Must Deal with the “Gay Concentration Camp” in Chechnya

By Kevin Orr | 04/18/2017

Scam site “Media Bias Fact Check” caught cribbing its ratings from Wikipedia

By Bill Palmer | 04/18/2017