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Tampered seals on Wisconsin vote counting machines now being blamed on “modems”

By Bill Palmer | 12/04/2016

Despite legal battles, Michigan recount on track to begin either Monday or Wednesday

By Bill Palmer | 12/04/2016

Watch Saturday Night Live skewer Donald Trump for retweeting high school kid

By Bill Palmer | 12/03/2016

Jill Stein escalates Pennsylvania recount fight to federal court, may need more donations

By Bill Palmer | 12/03/2016

It’s still on: Jill Stein filing emergency federal court case to force Pennsylvania recount

By Bill Palmer | 12/03/2016

Jill Stein to unveil new Pennsylvania recount strategy on Monday in front of Trump Tower

By Bill Palmer | 12/03/2016

Wisconsin’s Milwaukee County is massively overcharging Jill Stein, still refusing hand recount

By Bill Palmer | 12/03/2016

Wisconsin recount: observers uncover discrepancies with Milwaukee absentee ballots

By Bill Palmer | 12/03/2016

Jill Stein adopts county level strategy to force automatic statewide Pennsylvania recount

By Bill Palmer | 12/03/2016

No, the Pennsylvania recount effort isn’t “over.” Yes, the mainstream media is lying to you.

By Bill Palmer | 12/03/2016