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Let’s get violently homophobic pundit Erick Erickson banned from cable news

By Kevin Orr | 04/29/2017

The Feds just let two Russian hackers off the hook; they’ve clearly flipped on someone important

By Bill Palmer | 04/29/2017

Through a Glass, Darkly: Russia’s installation of Donald Trump is something we’ve seen before

By Kristjan Thorsteinson | 04/28/2017

NBC News confirms Donald Trump, Mike Pence, Jeff Sessions all lied about vetting Michael Flynn

By Bill Palmer | 04/28/2017

New Trump-Russia dossier detail: the Donald Trump organization paid the Russian election hackers

By Bill Palmer | 04/28/2017

Donald Trump is hoping you won’t notice he’s trying to sneak Sheriff David Clarke into his administration

By Bill Palmer | 04/28/2017

All along, the Democrats have been setting up Mike Pence for a Trump-Russia fall

By Bill Palmer | 04/28/2017

Donald Trump decided to keep NAFTA after his cabinet members showed him a map of the USA

By Bill Palmer | 04/28/2017

Senate Democrats hatch plan that could leave Donald Trump with little choice but to resign

By Bill Palmer | 04/27/2017

Amid his own sexual harassment scandal, Sean Hannity begins attacking Fox News executive

By Bill Palmer | 04/27/2017