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James Comey for prison: warrant he smeared Hillary Clinton with is now public, and it’s a sham

By Bill Palmer | 12/20/2016

Sylvester Stallone spurns Donald Trump’s National Endowment for the Arts job offer

By Bill Palmer | 12/20/2016

Andrea Bocelli bails on Donald Trump inauguration

By Bill Palmer | 12/19/2016

Donald Trump used political pressure to get Kuwait to move its event to Trump Hotel

By Bill Palmer | 12/19/2016

Electoral College has failed us – but Supreme Court can reject Donald Trump before inauguration

By Bill Palmer | 12/19/2016

China criticizes and threatens Donald Trump after his latest Twitter meltdown

By Bill Palmer | 12/19/2016

Bill Clinton takes the gloves off against Donald Trump and James Comey

By Bill Palmer | 12/19/2016

Judge orders release of James Comey’s secret FBI warrant regarding Hillary Clinton

By Bill Palmer | 12/19/2016

Russian Ambassador to Turkey assassinated – and yes, it’s directly Donald Trump’s fault

By Bill Palmer | 12/19/2016

Rex Tillerson’s ‘Friend of Russia’ award vanished from Wikipedia after Donald Trump picked him

By Bill Palmer | 12/18/2016


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