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Donald Trump sides with Russia against American media, thinks it’s “funny”

By Bill Palmer | 12/30/2016

Donald Trump’s pre-inauguration event hosts: a convicted felon and two alleged murderers

By Bill Palmer | 12/30/2016

John McCain schedules Senate hearings on Russian hacking for next week

By Bill Palmer | 12/30/2016

United States issues arrest warrants for two “most wanted” Russian hackers

By Bill Palmer | 12/30/2016

Russian puppet Donald Trump sides with Russia on sanctions, calls Putin “very smart”

By Bill Palmer | 12/30/2016

None of the top Washington DC private schools want Kellyanne Conway’s kids

By Bill Palmer | 12/30/2016

Every Rockettes dancer at Donald Trump’s inauguration will be white

By Bill Palmer | 12/29/2016

President Obama and Eric Holder reveal plans to fix gerrymandering nationwide

By Bill Palmer | 12/29/2016

MSNBC’s Chris Hayes throws down gauntlet on media repeating Donald Trump’s false claims

By Bill Palmer | 12/29/2016

School board dumps Donald Trump surrogate who made racist remarks about the Obamas

By Bill Palmer | 12/29/2016


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