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The owner of the Rockettes is really sad that his dancers oppose Donald Trump

By Bill Palmer | 01/03/2017

Hillary Clinton is attending Trump’s inauguration. Good. That means she’s not finished yet.

By Bill Palmer | 01/03/2017

World’s worst reality show: Donald Trump hires Apprentice contestant for White House job

By Bill Palmer | 01/03/2017

Megyn Kelly moves from Fox News to NBC after keeping secret about Donald Trump

By Bill Palmer | 01/03/2017

NAACP protesters take over office of racist Donald Trump cabinet nominee Jeff Sessions

By Bill Palmer | 01/03/2017

Victory: under intense public pressure, House Republicans forced to keep Ethics Office

By Bill Palmer | 01/03/2017

This is how democracy dies: House Republicans kill off Ethics Office in secret meeting

By Bill Palmer | 01/03/2017

You’re fired: many satellite subscribers blocked from seeing Celebrity Apprentice premiere

By Bill Palmer | 01/02/2017

More evidence than ever that Donald Trump is flat broke

By Bill Palmer | 01/02/2017

Start building your fallout shelters: Donald Trump is tweeting about nuclear weapons again

By Bill Palmer | 01/02/2017


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