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Donald Trump flip flops, asks DC National Guard chief to stay past inauguration, but chief refuses

By Bill Palmer | 01/14/2017

Donald Trump assumed Congressman John Lewis represents a poor black ghetto. He’s wrong.

By Bill Palmer | 01/14/2017

Alec Baldwin teases Donald Trump in a Russian hotel room for SNL cold open tonight

By Bill Palmer | 01/14/2017

Alec Baldwin to lead protest rally against Donald Trump outside Trump Tower

By Bill Palmer | 01/14/2017

Hapless Donald Trump has now been timidly whining about John Lewis for twelve hours

By Bill Palmer | 01/14/2017

Toronto newspaper warns that “U.S. style misogyny” may creep into Canada

By Bill Palmer | 01/14/2017

3 Doors Down threw a guy out for hitting a woman. How can they perform for Donald Trump?

By Bill Palmer | 01/14/2017

Jennifer Holliday bails on Donald Trump inauguration, apologizes, sides with John Lewis

By Bill Palmer | 01/14/2017

Something’s very strange about Donald Trump’s plan to fire National Guard chief during inauguration

By Bill Palmer | 01/14/2017

T-shirts now being sold that say Donald Trump is “Not My President” in Russian

By Bill Palmer | 01/13/2017


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