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Donald Trump now reduced to begging people to take inauguration tickets off his hands

By Bill Palmer | 01/15/2017

Donald Trump steps in it, invokes Watergate while trying to fend off his Russia scandal

By Bill Palmer | 01/15/2017

Israeli intelligence says there’s more dirt to come on Donald Trump and Russia

By Bill Palmer | 01/15/2017

Political journalist says she was offered cash bribe to publish story favoring Donald Trump

By Bill Palmer | 01/15/2017

IHOP retweets horrible message about Hillary Clinton for no apparent reason

By Bill Palmer | 01/15/2017

Russian media outlet completely changes headline about Donald Trump after he denies it

By Bill Palmer | 01/15/2017

SNL: Donald Trump dodges “Pee Pee Tape” and says “We’re all going to die”

By Bill Palmer | 01/14/2017

Donald Trump flip flops, asks DC National Guard chief to stay past inauguration, but chief refuses

By Bill Palmer | 01/14/2017

Donald Trump assumed Congressman John Lewis represents a poor black ghetto. He’s wrong.

By Bill Palmer | 01/14/2017

Alec Baldwin teases Donald Trump in a Russian hotel room for SNL cold open tonight

By Bill Palmer | 01/14/2017


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