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Bruce Springsteen tribute band cancels on Donald Trump inauguration

By Bill Palmer | 01/16/2017

CIA, FBI, NSA got secret warrant in October to probe Russian funding of Donald Trump campaign

By Bill Palmer | 01/15/2017

Mentally incompetent Donald Trump flip-flops on nuclear arms race

By Bill Palmer | 01/15/2017

Mexico’s Vicente Fox to Donald Trump: “There’s only one reason” the U.S. is divided

By Bill Palmer | 01/15/2017

Donald Trump tanks German interview, trashes German Chancellor, picks fight with BMW

By Bill Palmer | 01/15/2017

Donald Trump, in full scale meltdown, accuses CIA Director of leaking Russian pee pee

By Bill Palmer | 01/15/2017

TV Guide editor taunts Donald Trump for belated Twitter meltdown after latest SNL episode

By Bill Palmer | 01/15/2017

Book by John Lewis surges to #1 Bestseller spot after he takes stand against Donald Trump

By Bill Palmer | 01/15/2017

Paul Anka cancels his planned “My Way” performance at Donald Trump inauguration

By Bill Palmer | 01/15/2017

Amid John Lewis spat, Donald Trump abruptly cancels visit to African-American History Museum

By Bill Palmer | 01/15/2017


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