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Apprentice star sues Donald Trump one day before sexist Apprentice tape supposedly to leak

By Bill Palmer | 01/17/2017

Summer Zervos sues Donald Trump, says she’ll drop suit if he admits he sexually assaulted her

By Bill Palmer | 01/17/2017

Alleged sexual assault victim Summer Zervos files lawsuit against Donald Trump

By Bill Palmer | 01/17/2017

Donald Trump’s ill fated “Dr. Goodspine” tweet creates havoc

By Bill Palmer | 01/17/2017

Right wing nutjobs are pretty sure Donald Trump’s filthy Apprentice tape will leak Wednesday

By Bill Palmer | 01/16/2017

If this float is from Donald Trump’s inauguration parade, it’s the saddest thing ever

By Bill Palmer | 01/16/2017

Donald Trump says after he’s sworn in, he’ll immediately take three days off

By Bill Palmer | 01/16/2017

Donald Trump creates international incident by tweeting the wrong Ivanka

By Bill Palmer | 01/16/2017

Donald Trump parts ways with Monica Crowley, loses third senior advisor in three weeks

By Bill Palmer | 01/16/2017

Donald Trump goes meekly quiet on Martin Luther King Day

By Bill Palmer | 01/16/2017


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