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Donald Trump punishes National Park Service after it tweets about small inauguration crowd

By Bill Palmer | 01/20/2017

Obama Foundation acknowledges every presidential charity except Trump Foundation

By Bill Palmer | 01/20/2017

Donald Trump’s top Nazi supporter Richard Spencer got punched in face during inauguration

By Bill Palmer | 01/20/2017

White House revises Melania Trump’s bio after we pointed out her illegal jewelry promotion

By Bill Palmer | 01/20/2017

White House website is lying about the year Melania Trump immigrated to U.S.

By Bill Palmer | 01/20/2017

George W. Bush on losing end of inauguration poncho battle

By Bill Palmer | 01/20/2017

Congressman aims to force House GOP into corner with Donald Trump impeachment articles

By Bill Palmer | 01/20/2017

After inauguration, White House website hit with petition to release Donald Trump’s taxes

By Bill Palmer | 01/20/2017

White House website now illegally promoting Melania Trump’s QVC line of jewelry [updated]

By Bill Palmer | 01/20/2017

K Street in Washington DC overtaken by anti-Donald Trump protesters

By Bill Palmer | 01/20/2017


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