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Now that WikiLeaks has gotten Donald Trump elected, it’s trying to destroy him

By Bill Palmer | 01/22/2017

Kellyanne Conway forced to walk back her comments on Donald Trump’s tax returns

By Bill Palmer | 01/22/2017

Russian ties of Trump National Security Advisor Michael Flynn subject of CIA-FBI-NSA probe

By Bill Palmer | 01/22/2017

CIA agents were not applauding Donald Trump’s speech. He brought his own cheering section.

By Bill Palmer | 01/22/2017

Secret Service disputes Donald Trump’s inauguration attendance claims

By Bill Palmer | 01/22/2017

NHL hockey team mocks Donald Trump by putting fake game attendance number on scoreboard

By Bill Palmer | 01/22/2017

WTF? Donald Trump blows kiss to James Comey and then appears to kiss him on the cheek

By Bill Palmer | 01/22/2017

‪Donald Trump forces National Park Service to apologize after it tweeted about his small inauguration crowd‬

By Bill Palmer | 01/22/2017

Merriam Webster dictionary makes fun of Kellyanne Conway and her “alternative facts”

By Bill Palmer | 01/22/2017

Kellyanne Conway’s “alternative facts” meltdown may be the end of her

By Bill Palmer | 01/22/2017


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