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‪Voter fraud? Donald Trump’s Treasury nominee Steve Mnuchin registered to vote in two states‬

By Bill Palmer | 01/25/2017

Voter fraud? Donald Trump’s daughter Tiffany is registered to vote in two different states

By Bill Palmer | 01/25/2017

Greenpeace installs giant “RESIST” banner over the White House in protest of Donald Trump

By Bill Palmer | 01/25/2017

Donald Trump displays inauguration photo in White House press room with wrong date on it

By Bill Palmer | 01/25/2017

Congressman Ted Lieu: the Donald Trump administration just “makes shit up”

By Bill Palmer | 01/24/2017

Donald Trump now says he can’t “enjoy” being president. Why doesn’t he just resign?

By Bill Palmer | 01/24/2017

National Park Service launches unofficial Twitter account that Donald Trump can’t touch

By Bill Palmer | 01/24/2017

U.S. Congressman Ted Lieu just can’t stop trolling Donald Trump

By Bill Palmer | 01/24/2017

Congressman Ted Lieu moves to revoke Donald Trump’s authority over nuclear weapons

By Bill Palmer | 01/24/2017

EPA employees are rebelling against Trump EPA nominee Scott Pruitt by leaking everything

By Bill Palmer | 01/24/2017


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