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Old State Department Library now consists of nothing but Donald Trump books

By Bill Palmer | 01/26/2017

Insiders: Donald Trump thinks Kellyanne Conway is “dumb” and the White House is “drab”

By Bill Palmer | 01/26/2017

Russia arrests its own cyber intelligence officers as U.S. election hacking scandal intensifies

By Bill Palmer | 01/26/2017

Trump press secretary Sean Spicer keeps mistakenly tweeting his own Twitter password

By Bill Palmer | 01/26/2017

White House insider: Reince Priebus nearly resigned amid Donald Trump’s crowd size meltdown

By Bill Palmer | 01/26/2017

Donald Trump ordered National Park Service to lie about inauguration crowd size; it refused

By Bill Palmer | 01/26/2017

White House whistleblower tweets embarrassing details about Donald Trump and advisors

By Bill Palmer | 01/26/2017

Congressman Ted Lieu gives new nickname to Donald Trump aide Steve Bannon: “Dr. Evil”

By Bill Palmer | 01/26/2017

Department of Agriculture sticks it to Donald Trump with unofficial USDA account on Twitter

By Bill Palmer | 01/25/2017

After just five days on job, Donald Trump is already plotting a vacation for next week

By Bill Palmer | 01/25/2017


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