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Protesters cheer as judge issues ruling freeing Muslims detained in airports by Donald Trump

By Bill Palmer | 01/28/2017

Insider: Donald Trump’s top advisors now believe he’s misleading them on Russia blackmail

By Bill Palmer | 01/28/2017

Congressmen go to JFK airport, secure release of Iraqi hero detained by Trump’s Muslim ban

By Bill Palmer | 01/28/2017

Russian intel agent, who leaked Donald Trump’s prostitute blackmail, found dead in back of car

By Bill Palmer | 01/28/2017

White House leaker: Donald Trump plans to order IRS to end its audit of him

By Bill Palmer | 01/28/2017

White House insider: Donald Trump thinks his own staff is committing “mutiny” against him

By Bill Palmer | 01/27/2017

Did Donald Trump just get a U.S. asset in Russia killed to protect his Pee Pee Tape?

By Bill Palmer | 01/27/2017

Insider: Donald Trump, exasperated by protesters, yells “Don’t they know I’m the f—ing president?”

By Bill Palmer | 01/27/2017

Vladimir Putin arrests four U.S. intel assets in Russia. Did Donald Trump give them up?

By Bill Palmer | 01/27/2017

Carl Bernstein: Republican leaders say they’re worried about Donald Trump’s “stability”

By Bill Palmer | 01/26/2017


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