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Insiders: Donald Trump’s crazy National Security Advisor Michael Flynn already self destructing

By Bill Palmer | 01/31/2017

Donald Trump didn’t realize Steve Bannon needs Senate confirmation for National Security Council

By Bill Palmer | 01/30/2017

Richard Nixon counsel John Dean on Donald Trump’s presidency: “it will end in calamity”

By Bill Palmer | 01/30/2017

Donald Trump fires Immigration Director Daniel Ragsdale, as Monday Night Massacre continues

By Bill Palmer | 01/30/2017

Monday Night Massacre begins: Donald Trump fires acting Attorney General Sally Yates

By Bill Palmer | 01/30/2017

Hundreds of State Department employees formally file dissent memo against Donald Trump

By Bill Palmer | 01/30/2017

Prepare to fight: Donald Trump preparing sweeping anti-LGBT executive order

By Bill Palmer | 01/30/2017

‪Acting Attorney General Sally Yates instructs DOJ to defy Donald Trump’s Muslim ban‬

By Bill Palmer | 01/30/2017

After backlash, Donald Trump re-adds Judicial Branch to White House website

By Bill Palmer | 01/30/2017

Protesters will march to Donald Trump’s Mar-a-Lago during his Florida vacation this weekend

By Bill Palmer | 01/30/2017


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