
Note from Bill Palmer: I need your help! Major media outlets are caving to Trump already. Publishing platforms are at risk. Palmer Report is leading the fight. Help me make it happen:
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Donald Trump admits Jared Kushner Russia story is real, then claims it’s fake, in the same sentence

By Bill Palmer | 05/28/2017

One day after Kremlin says it’s sick of Trump-Russia stories, Donald Trump attacks U.S. media for it

By Bill Palmer | 05/28/2017

Report: multiple Donald Trump White House staffers planning to quit and write tell-all books

By Bill Palmer | 05/28/2017

Washington Post exposes Jared Kushner’s attempt at planting Syria excuse for Russia backchannel

By Bill Palmer | 05/28/2017

The public rolls its eyes as the media declares Donald Trump’s disastrous overseas trip a “success”

By Bill Palmer | 05/27/2017

Resentful White House staffers kick dirt on Jared Kushner after he’s busted in Russia scandal

By Bill Palmer | 05/27/2017

Texas Governor Greg Abbott jokes about shooting journalists after Greg Gianforte body slams one

By Kevin Orr | 05/27/2017

H.R. McMaster is going down with Donald Trump’s Russia ship

By Bill Palmer | 05/27/2017

Donald Trump’s White House insults LGBTQ community, France and Luxembourg in one shot

By Bill Palmer | 05/27/2017

Jared Kushner suddenly claims he was always considering quitting Donald Trump’s White House in July

By Bill Palmer | 05/27/2017