
Note from Bill Palmer: I need your help! Major media outlets are caving to Trump already. Publishing platforms are at risk. Palmer Report is leading the fight. Help me make it happen:
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Did Donald Trump use Kanye West to distract the media from Jared Kushner’s meeting with Russian bank?

By Bill Palmer | 05/29/2017

It’s almost midnight for civil rights in Texas

By Kevin Orr | 05/29/2017

During disastrous overseas trip, Donald Trump angrily shouted at foreign leader who “tricked” him

By Bill Palmer | 05/29/2017

Strange flashing red lights last night in Donald Trump’s White House residence windows

By Bill Palmer | 05/29/2017

Donald Trump’s disturbing behavior during the National Anthem on Memorial Day

By Bill Palmer | 05/29/2017

The best replies last night after Donald Trump began blocking people on Twitter for making fun of him

By Bill Palmer | 05/29/2017

Sean Spicer’s briefing room nemesis April Ryan sticks up for him against Donald Trump

By Bill Palmer | 05/29/2017

Now we know that Michael Flynn has Donald Trump and Jared Kushner by the balls

By Bill Palmer | 05/29/2017

Jared Kushner selfishly betrayed Donald Trump when it came to James Comey’s firing

By Bill Palmer | 05/29/2017

Donald Trump has begun blocking his detractors on Twitter. Here are the insults that pushed him over the edge.

By Bill Palmer | 05/29/2017