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Bookies: odds of Donald Trump’s impeachment have skyrocketed over the past two weeks

By Bill Palmer | 02/03/2017

Rep. Joaquin Castro: House will impeach Donald Trump for ordering agents to defy court

By Bill Palmer | 02/03/2017

Hilarious “Bowling Green Massacre Fund” raises money for the ACLU

By Bill Palmer | 02/03/2017

Steve Bannon hires two racist Breitbart writers for White House policy positions

By Bill Palmer | 02/03/2017

Kellyanne Conway blames Muslim immigrants for “Bowling Green Massacre.” There’s no such thing.

By Bill Palmer | 02/02/2017

Vladimir Putin poisons political opponent, kills two U.S. intel assets, in wake of Trump’s weakness

By Bill Palmer | 02/02/2017

Kellyanne Conway smacks Steve Bannon after he inappropriately touches her

By Bill Palmer | 02/02/2017

Donald Trump wasn’t even in Situation Room for his botched Yemen raid that killed Navy SEAL

By Bill Palmer | 02/02/2017

Watergate 2.0: White House killed recording of Donald Trump’s phone call with Vladimir Putin

By Bill Palmer | 02/02/2017

Trump’s White House invents Iranian attack on U.S. ship; Pentagon admits it never happened

By Bill Palmer | 02/02/2017