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Busted: Donald Trump releases supposed video of botched Yemen raid, but it’s ten years old

By Bill Palmer | 02/03/2017

Donald Trump nominee forced to withdraw due to foreign financial conflicts of interest

By Bill Palmer | 02/03/2017

Federal judge further dismantles Donald Trump’s Muslim ban, and Trump goes berserk over it

By Bill Palmer | 02/03/2017

Donald Trump’s disastrous Yemen raid may have been attempt at getting Dubai golf course built

By Bill Palmer | 02/03/2017

Bookies: odds of Donald Trump’s impeachment have skyrocketed over the past two weeks

By Bill Palmer | 02/03/2017

Rep. Joaquin Castro: House will impeach Donald Trump for ordering agents to defy court

By Bill Palmer | 02/03/2017

Hilarious “Bowling Green Massacre Fund” raises money for the ACLU

By Bill Palmer | 02/03/2017

Steve Bannon hires two racist Breitbart writers for White House policy positions

By Bill Palmer | 02/03/2017

Kellyanne Conway blames Muslim immigrants for “Bowling Green Massacre.” There’s no such thing.

By Bill Palmer | 02/02/2017

Vladimir Putin poisons political opponent, kills two U.S. intel assets, in wake of Trump’s weakness

By Bill Palmer | 02/02/2017