
Note from Bill Palmer: Major media outlets are caving to Trump already. Publishing platforms are at risk. Palmer Report is leading the fight. Help me make it happen:
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Hillary Clinton provided more leadership in one tweet than Donald Trump did during entire London crisis

By Bill Palmer | 06/04/2017

After London tweets, CNN reporters finally call out Donald Trump: “not presidential” and a “piece of shit”

By Bill Palmer | 06/04/2017

Donald Trump responds to UK incident by dishonestly attacking Mayor of London, then going golfing

By Bill Palmer | 06/04/2017

World leaders offer proper thoughts about London Bridge attack, as Donald Trump embarrasses himself

By Bill Palmer | 06/04/2017

Donald Trump Jr. and Eric Trump block political pundit on Twitter because they can’t handle the heat

By Bill Palmer | 06/04/2017

Mayor Steve Adler sides with Wonder Woman (and women) in screening dispute

By Kevin Orr | 06/03/2017

Robert Mueller hires Watergate prosecutor to pursue Donald Trump’s Russia scandal

By Bill Palmer | 06/03/2017

ACLU rubs it in after Donald Trump’s arrogant tweet blows his legal argument for Muslim ban

By Bill Palmer | 06/03/2017

Donald Trump just blew the legal argument for his Muslim Ban with one stupid tweet

By Bill Palmer | 06/03/2017

Rep. Jamie Raskin speaks out against Donald Trump at March For Truth in Washington DC

By Bill Palmer | 06/03/2017