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Donald Trump, in full meltdown, fires National Security Council director for making fun of him

By Bill Palmer | 02/18/2017

Busted: Donald Trump caught on tape trading White House favors to paying Mar-a-Lago members

By Bill Palmer | 02/18/2017

Ben Carson’s top advisor fired and escorted out of building for criticizing Donald Trump

By Bill Palmer | 02/17/2017

With Russia scandal imploding, Donald Trump nudging out Secretary of State Rex Tillerson

By Bill Palmer | 02/17/2017

Trump-Russia deepens: Senate Intel Committee hauls in FBI’s James Comey for secret meeting

By Bill Palmer | 02/17/2017

Two Donald Trump campaign advisors had their own office space in Russia

By Bill Palmer | 02/17/2017

Morning Joe Scarborough loses it, launches profane tirade about “Fake President” Donald Trump

By Bill Palmer | 02/17/2017

The real reason the Donald Trump team leaked that National Guard immigrant memo today

By Bill Palmer | 02/17/2017

With weird new attack on media, Donald Trump’s latest attempt at distracting from Russia goes awry

By Bill Palmer | 02/17/2017

Sally Yates resurfaces for first time since Trump showdown, and receives standing ovation

By Bill Palmer | 02/17/2017


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