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Thank you so much! - Bill Palmer

Donald Trump’s strategy for blocking the 25th Amendment has been in plain sight all along

By Bill Palmer | 02/21/2017

Vladimir Putin’s big mistake, and why his Donald Trump – Russia conspiracy is unraveling

By Bill Palmer | 02/21/2017

Prosecutor: Ukrainian conspirator Andriy Artemenko facing treason charges in Trump-Russia scandal

By Bill Palmer | 02/21/2017

Toxicology tests for seventh Russian operative who’s died amid Donald Trump-Russia scandal

By Bill Palmer | 02/21/2017

Two Russian officials have admitted to colluding with Donald Trump campaign

By Bill Palmer | 02/20/2017

FBI now investigating Donald Trump’s attorney Michael Cohen in Trump-Russia scandal

By Bill Palmer | 02/20/2017

Kremlin paid $40,000 to Michael Flynn just before he joined Donald Trump campaign

By Bill Palmer | 02/20/2017

YouTube takes down Roger Stone’s channel after FBI fingers him in Donald Trump-Russia scandal

By Bill Palmer | 02/20/2017

Donald Trump’s Russian handler Felix Sater was an FBI informant

By Bill Palmer | 02/20/2017

Senate Intel Committee lays claim to Trump-Russia documents at a dozen government agencies

By Bill Palmer | 02/20/2017


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