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Donald Trump’s speech to Congress just disproved his own premise for kissing Russia’s ass

By Bill Palmer | 03/01/2017

Van Jones wasn’t the only one to jump the cable news shark last night over Donald Trump

By Bill Palmer | 03/01/2017

Donald Trump and his grotesquely deformed facsimile of a Presidential address to Congress

By Bill Palmer | 02/28/2017

God damn you, Donald Trump, for exploiting the widow of the Navy SEAL you just murdered

By Bill Palmer | 02/28/2017

Jeff Sessions allegedly steered Russian operative Carter Page to Donald Trump campaign

By Bill Palmer | 02/28/2017

James Comey failed to disclose that FBI was planning to hire author of MI6 Trump-Russia dossier

By Bill Palmer | 02/28/2017

Trouble for Jill Stein in Donald Trump’s Russia scandal

By Bill Palmer | 02/28/2017

Paul Manafort’s own daughter questioned the legality of his Kremlin paychecks

By Bill Palmer | 02/28/2017

New DNC Chair Tom Perez to racist Attorney General Jeff Sessions: “Go shove it, sir”

By Bill Palmer | 02/28/2017

Cowardly Donald Trump must resign after blaming U.S. military for death of Navy SEAL in Yemen

By Bill Palmer | 02/28/2017


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