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After getting caught up in Trump-Russia scandal, Jeff Sessions now has three bad options

By Bill Palmer | 03/01/2017

Donald Trump tried to insulate himself with a cabinet full of Russia co-conspirators. It’s backfiring.

By Bill Palmer | 03/01/2017

Lindsey Graham calls for Trump-Russia special prosecutor, wants Jeff Sessions to recuse himself

By Bill Palmer | 03/01/2017

Jeff Sessions is toast: he colluded with Russian Ambassador and lied about it under oath

By Bill Palmer | 03/01/2017

House Intel Committee agrees to investigate Trump-Russia after House Judiciary Committee refuses to

By Bill Palmer | 03/01/2017

Fact check: is the Supreme Court holding a hearing about nullifying the 2016 election result?

By Bill Palmer | 03/01/2017

GOP lobbyist: Russia murdered DNC data analyst to cover up pro-Donald Trump hacking

By Bill Palmer | 03/01/2017

Tallahassee Mayor Andrew Gillum, a popular Democrat, enters 2018 Florida race for Governor

By Bill Palmer | 03/01/2017

Donald Trump stands by Reince Priebus over obstruction, showing how deep Russia scandal runs

By Bill Palmer | 03/01/2017

Donald Trump still silent a day after Russia bombs and kills U.S. backed troops in Syria

By Bill Palmer | 03/01/2017


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