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Jeff Sessions caught using campaign funds for trip to meet with Russian Ambassador

By Bill Palmer | 03/02/2017

Trump-Russia conspirator J.D. Gordon begins ratting out Donald Trump

By Bill Palmer | 03/02/2017

Donald Trump and Jeff Sessions met Russian Ambassador in Washington DC in April 2016

By Bill Palmer | 03/02/2017

Donald Trump changed DOJ order of succession weeks ago, knowing Jeff Sessions wouldn’t last

By Bill Palmer | 03/02/2017

Three Donald Trump advisers met with Russia at Republican Convention; Ukraine platform changed

By Bill Palmer | 03/02/2017

Jeff Sessions recuses himself from Trump-Russia investigation, in desperate effort to avoid resigning

By Bill Palmer | 03/02/2017

White House throws Jeff Sessions under Russia bus, as Donald Trump skips town again

By Bill Palmer | 03/02/2017

Public momentum builds for Sally Yates to be named Trump-Russia special prosecutor

By Bill Palmer | 03/02/2017

On the verge of political launch, Valerie Jarrett moves in with Barack and Michelle Obama

By Bill Palmer | 03/02/2017

Steve Bannon had to have been coordinating the Russian collusion in the Donald Trump campaign

By Bill Palmer | 03/02/2017


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