
Note from Bill Palmer: I need your help! Major media outlets are caving to Trump already. Publishing platforms are at risk. Palmer Report is leading the fight. Help me make it happen:
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Donald Trump’s video of himself beating up CNN was created by a violent racist who loves the N-word

By Bill Palmer | 07/02/2017

Beachgate: Chris Christie caught using New Jersey beach after he shut it down to the public

By Bill Palmer | 07/02/2017

25th Amendment bill gains momentum in Congress after Donald Trump’s latest psychological break

By Bill Palmer | 07/02/2017

Amid Donald Trump’s latest mental breakdown, 25th Amendment begins trending on Twitter

By Bill Palmer | 07/02/2017

CNN official statement: violent Donald Trump has no dignity and Sarah Huckabee Sanders is a liar

By Bill Palmer | 07/02/2017

Cybersecurity consultant says Donald Trump-connected Russian election colluder tried to recruit him

By Bill Palmer | 07/02/2017

Cocaine is one hell of a drug

By Bill Palmer | 07/02/2017

Donald Trump knows he’s running out of rope

By Bill Palmer | 07/02/2017

Russia collusion figure Peter Smith’s obituary reveals how he was connected to Donald Trump campaign

By Bill Palmer | 07/01/2017

Donald Trump goes on unhinged tirade after Republicans tell him to stop tweeting toxic garbage

By Bill Palmer | 07/01/2017