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New York Attorney General hires Preet Bharara’s sidekick to go after Donald Trump

By Bill Palmer | 03/19/2017

Congressman Adam Schiff points to the Trump-Russia coverup being worse than the crime

By Bill Palmer | 03/19/2017

Rex Tillerson makes things even worse while refuting reports he was “fatigued” in South Korea

By Bill Palmer | 03/19/2017

CNN reporter sneaks past Secret Service at Mar-a-Lago to take photo Donald Trump didn’t want

By Bill Palmer | 03/18/2017

Senate Intel Committee formally targets Roger Stone in its investigation of Donald Trump and Russia

By Bill Palmer | 03/18/2017

Donald Trump canceled veterans health care meeting and played golf at Mar-a-Lago instead

By Bill Palmer | 03/18/2017

Alleged photo emerges of Donald Trump adviser Sebastian Gorka in Nazi uniform

By Bill Palmer | 03/18/2017

Ivanka Trump and Jared Kushner were with Dmitry Rybolovlev at key moment in Trump-Russia dossier

By Bill Palmer | 03/18/2017

Confirmed: Donald Trump’s phony Obama wiretap claim came from the Kremlin

By Bill Palmer | 03/18/2017

Get your popcorn ready: Sally Yates gets her revenge on Donald Trump tomorrow

By Bill Palmer | 03/18/2017


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