
Donald Trump renews vow to punish visa abusers, forgets to mention Melania is one of them

By Bill Palmer | 11/21/2016

Tulsi Gabbard, the worst Democrat ever, is already plotting something with Donald Trump

By Bill Palmer | 11/21/2016

Hillary Clinton received more votes in 2016 than any white man ever – including Donald Trump

By Bill Palmer | 11/21/2016

Donald Trump kept warning of a “rigged election” – he just didn’t mention it was in his favor

By Bill Palmer | 11/20/2016

Alec Baldwin unloads on Donald Trump for attacking Saturday Night Live

By Bill Palmer | 11/20/2016

Rigged election: months ago, Steve Bannon “knew” precisely which states Donald Trump would flip

By Bill Palmer | 11/20/2016

Electoral College member says outcome of Hillary Clinton vs Donald Trump still “in play”

By Bill Palmer | 11/20/2016

New York Governor Andrew Cuomo to Donald Trump: you’ll have to deport me first

By Bill Palmer | 11/20/2016

I hate conspiracy theories. But the Hillary Clinton vs Donald Trump vote totals do look rigged.

By Bill Palmer | 11/20/2016

President Obama is preparing to lead the resistance against Donald Trump

By Bill Palmer | 11/20/2016


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