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Treasury Department financial crimes unit agrees to turn over Donald Trump’s records to Senate Intel

By Bill Palmer | 05/12/2017

Donald Trump’s bumbling legal action today may have forfeited IRS confidentiality on his tax returns

By Bill Palmer | 05/12/2017

James Comey is smartly getting the Senate to subpoena him for Trump-Russia testimony

By Bill Palmer | 05/12/2017

Did Donald Trump just admit he was secretly recording FBI Director James Comey?

By Bill Palmer | 05/12/2017

Jeff Sessions risks losing his law license over his role in firing James Comey after recusal

By Bill Palmer | 05/12/2017

Texas is in process of passing state legislation legalizing discrimination against gays and minorities

By Kevin Orr | 05/12/2017

Sign Amnesty International’s petition to protect journalists who reported on gay concentration camps

By Kevin Orr | 05/12/2017

No, the FBI’s raid of Strategic Campaign Group in Annapolis today wasn’t about Ken Cuccinelli

By Bill Palmer | 05/11/2017

Donald Trump has been paranoid about Michael Flynn testifying for months, and now he’s panicking

By Bill Palmer | 05/11/2017

Paul Manafort still hasn’t registered as a foreign agent, and now Jeff Sessions is being weird about it

By Bill Palmer | 05/11/2017


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