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Donald Trump’s staffers are being told to lawyer up as his Russia scandal explodes

By Bill Palmer | 05/14/2017

Hey Comcast: it’s time to fire the MSNBC exec who’s trying to get rid of Lawrence O’Donnell

By Bill Palmer | 05/14/2017

Are authorities planning to move in on Donald Trump’s chumps while he’s overseas?

By Bill Palmer | 05/14/2017

Donald Trump recorded conversations with rivals and reporters. Of course he recorded James Comey.

By Bill Palmer | 05/14/2017

How bad is the Russia scandal? Donald Trump is laying the groundwork for scapegoating Jeff Sessions

By Bill Palmer | 05/14/2017

James Clapper has had enough of Donald Trump’s crap, rips into him on Sunday morning shows

By Bill Palmer | 05/14/2017

James Comey’s firing reveals Donald Trump’s true weakness: he doesn’t know who his enemies are

By Bill Palmer | 05/14/2017

Preet Bharara has something to say about Donald Trump’s next FBI Director

By Bill Palmer | 05/14/2017

Donald Trump’s senior staff in full Sunday morning panic mode after his firing of James Comey

By Bill Palmer | 05/14/2017

James Comey just called Donald Trump’s bluff

By Bill Palmer | 05/13/2017


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