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Republican Senator admits Donald Trump and his White House are in “Downward Spiral”

By Bill Palmer | 05/15/2017

Did Senators Burr and Warner step away from Thursday’s hearings due to Donald Trump’s Russia leak?

By Bill Palmer | 05/15/2017

H.R. McMaster caught lying while disputing story that Donald Trump gave classified info to Russians

By Bill Palmer | 05/15/2017

Here’s what we do if GOP refuses to impeach Donald Trump for giving classified intel to the Russians

By Bill Palmer | 05/15/2017

Lock him up: Donald Trump gave code-word classified intel to the Russians during Oval Office meeting

By Bill Palmer | 05/15/2017

Hillary Clinton and Howard Dean are officially teaming up to fight Donald Trump

By Bill Palmer | 05/15/2017

Hillary Clinton launches “Onward Together” to help facilitate anti-Trump Resistance groups

By Bill Palmer | 05/15/2017

Get your popcorn ready: Sally Yates just booked a major television interview

By Bill Palmer | 05/15/2017

Good news for the Resistance: James Comey is “furious” at Donald Trump

By Bill Palmer | 05/15/2017

About that rumor of Barack Obama and George W. Bush working together to oust Donald Trump…

By Bill Palmer | 05/15/2017