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Republican pundit acknowledges Donald Trump is a dangerously demented child

By Bill Palmer | 05/16/2017

In his own words, Russian leaker Donald Trump has retroactively declared himself “Not fit” to be President

By Bill Palmer | 05/16/2017

Paul Ryan and Reince Priebus regret these tweets now that Donald Trump is giving Russia classified info

By Bill Palmer | 05/16/2017

Based on Donald Trump’s own words, I think he’s been giving classified info to Russia since March

By Bill Palmer | 05/16/2017

Protesters project hilarious messages over the entrance to Donald Trump’s Washington DC hotel

By Bill Palmer | 05/16/2017

H.R. McMaster may have legally had no choice but to lie for Donald Trump about Russia intel story

By Bill Palmer | 05/15/2017

This can’t be the first time Donald Trump gave classified intel to Russian Ambassador Sergey Kislyak

By Bill Palmer | 05/15/2017

Help stop these radical religious bills from becoming law in Texas!

By Kevin Orr | 05/15/2017

Sean Spicer, Sarah Huckabee, Steve Bannon heard screaming at each other after Trump’s Russia leak story broke

By Bill Palmer | 05/15/2017

Republican Senator admits Donald Trump and his White House are in “Downward Spiral”

By Bill Palmer | 05/15/2017