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With Donald Trump’s downfall underway, the U.S. intel community may be targeting Paul Ryan too

By Bill Palmer | 05/18/2017

Is Ukraine behind secret recording of Paul Ryan discussing Russia paying Donald Trump?

By Bill Palmer | 05/18/2017

Preet Bharara rubs it in after Special Counsel appointed against Donald Trump

By Bill Palmer | 05/18/2017

Turn out the lights: Donald Trump’s senior White House staffers have begun circulating resumes

By Bill Palmer | 05/17/2017

Texas Lt. Governor Dan Patrick threatens nuclear option over “Bathroom Bill”

By Kevin Orr | 05/17/2017

Michael Flynn appears to be leaking dirt on Donald Trump

By Bill Palmer | 05/17/2017

Rod Rosenstein made sure Donald Trump couldn’t fire him before he named Special Counsel Robert Mueller

By Bill Palmer | 05/17/2017

David & Goliath, Texas Style: Austin Mayor Adler takes on Governor Abbott and SB 4

By Kevin Orr | 05/17/2017

Special Counsel Robert Mueller is the best news for the Resistance, and the worst for Donald Trump

By Bill Palmer | 05/17/2017

Paul Ryan and Kevin McCarthy caught on tape discussing Russian payments to Donald Trump

By Bill Palmer | 05/17/2017