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House Intel Russia probe expands to include yet another former Donald Trump campaign adviser

By Bill Palmer | 05/20/2017

Disney World’s Hall of Presidents makes moves to sidestep Donald Trump

By Bill Palmer | 05/20/2017

The impeachment of Donald Trump is a long and winding process. But we’ve arrived at Step One.

By Bill Palmer | 05/20/2017

Jared Kushner just opened himself up to obstruction of justice charges in Donald Trump’s Russia scandal

By Bill Palmer | 05/20/2017

House Judiciary member Ted Lieu confirms he’s researching the impeachment of Donald Trump

By Bill Palmer | 05/20/2017

Fact check: did Jared Kushner delete all his tweets from Twitter?

By Bill Palmer | 05/20/2017

Paul Ryan hints he’s been caught on tape saying even more damaging things about Trump-Russia

By Bill Palmer | 05/20/2017

After Donald Trump’s nut job moment, even Sean Spicer isn’t willing to lie for him anymore

By Bill Palmer | 05/19/2017

Mike Pence says he never saw Elijah Cummings’ letter about Michael Flynn. Democrats have proof he did.

By Bill Palmer | 05/19/2017

Anderson Cooper unloads on Jeffrey Lord: “if Trump took a dump on his desk, you would defend him”

By Bill Palmer | 05/19/2017