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Three witnesses saw Greg Gianforte assault Ben Jacobs, and it was even more violent than the audio suggested

By Bill Palmer | 05/24/2017

Donald Trump just totally screwed Sean Spicer at the Vatican today

By Bill Palmer | 05/24/2017

James Comey’s memos on Donald Trump’s Russia scandal implicate Reince Priebus in a crime

By Bill Palmer | 05/24/2017

Greg Gianforte, Republican candidate in Montana special election, allegedly body slams reporter

By Bill Palmer | 05/24/2017

Lock him up: Jeff Sessions committed felony by lying about Trump-Russia on his clearance forms

By Bill Palmer | 05/24/2017

“Coming apart:” new Fox News poll has Donald Trump and Mike Pence both crashing and burning

By Bill Palmer | 05/24/2017

Fake Russian document tricked James Comey into publicly condemning Hillary Clinton for her emails

By Bill Palmer | 05/24/2017

The Texas House sets a trap and the Senate takes the bait

By Kevin Orr | 05/24/2017

Congressman confirms Articles of Impeachment are being drafted against Donald Trump

By Bill Palmer | 05/24/2017

Donald Trump’s dying hotel in New York begins layoffs

By Bill Palmer | 05/24/2017


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