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Donald Trump can’t get out of Paris Climate Accord until 2021; decision will actually be made by next President

By Bill Palmer | 06/02/2017

Donald Trump was “bewildered” after French President Emmanuel Macron put him in his place

By Bill Palmer | 06/01/2017

The FBI is now officially investigating Donald Trump himself, and not just his campaign

By Bill Palmer | 06/01/2017

Donald Trump damaged himself badly today by trying to spite President Obama

By Bill Palmer | 06/01/2017

Major U.S. business leaders resign in protest from Donald Trump’s White House councils

By Bill Palmer | 06/01/2017

Mayor of Pittsburgh tells off Donald Trump for invoking his city during Paris Climate Agreement withdrawal

By Bill Palmer | 06/01/2017

On site report: today’s protest at the White House after Donald Trump’s climate change decision

By Bill Palmer | 06/01/2017

FBI targets Brexit leader Nigel Farage in Donald Trump’s Russia scandal

By Bill Palmer | 06/01/2017

Get your popcorn: James Comey is publicly testifying that Donald Trump committed obstruction of justice

By Bill Palmer | 06/01/2017

Lawrence O’Donnell confirms he’s remaining at MSNBC after all

By Bill Palmer | 06/01/2017


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