
Note from Bill Palmer: I need your help! Major media outlets are caving to Trump already. Publishing platforms are at risk. Palmer Report is leading the fight. Help me make it happen:
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Steve Bannon’s billionaire Mercers declare war on Donald Trump’s billionaire Koch Bros

By Bill Palmer | 08/24/2017

Even the CIA no longer trusts CIA Director Mike Pompeo in Donald Trump’s Russia scandal

By Bill Palmer | 08/24/2017

Donald Trump may shut down the government to try to sabotage Robert Mueller, but it won’t work

By Bill Palmer | 08/24/2017

Dear Washington Post: stop publishing lies about Palmer Report. You’re better than this.

By Bill Palmer | 08/24/2017

Donald Trump proves himself guilty on Russia

By Bill Palmer | 08/24/2017

Donald Trump’s new attack on James Clapper proves Clapper was right about Trump’s instability

By Bill Palmer | 08/24/2017

Donald Trump is hemorrhaging supporters by the millions

By Bill Palmer | 08/24/2017

White House adviser, whose job was to feed positive news about Donald Trump, has resigned

By Bill Palmer | 08/24/2017

Roger Stone threatens the lives of members of Congress if they impeach Donald Trump

By Bill Palmer | 08/24/2017

“To bad”: illiterate Donald Trump attacks James Clapper and Mitch McConnell in surreal meltdown

By Bill Palmer | 08/24/2017