
Note from Bill Palmer: Major media outlets are caving to Trump already. Publishing platforms are at risk. Palmer Report is leading the fight. Help me make it happen:
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Senate Intel Committee targets Russian puppet Congressman Dana Rohrabacher

By Bill Palmer | 08/30/2017

Ivanka Trump officially abandons her one big campaign promise

By Bill Palmer | 08/30/2017

Vladimir Putin throws Donald Trump under the bus in Russia scandal

By Bill Palmer | 08/30/2017

CNN bails on Donald Trump’s incoherent Missouri speech almost immediately

By Bill Palmer | 08/30/2017

Eric Trump suggests Donald Trump has to stay oblivious so he doesn’t get depressed and kill himself

By Bill Palmer | 08/30/2017

Donald Trump may have just given away that he doesn’t have the Republican votes for his last hurrah

By Bill Palmer | 08/30/2017

The one big clue that Donald Trump thinks the end of his presidency is near

By Bill Palmer | 08/30/2017

Chuck Grassley pushes back after Donald Trump tries to bribe him over Russia investigation

By Bill Palmer | 08/30/2017

GOP Congressman who’s trying to shut down Robert Mueller probe is now under investigation himself

By Bill Palmer | 08/30/2017

Senate Republicans go into hiding as Donald Trump melts down

By Bill Palmer | 08/30/2017