
Note from Bill Palmer: Major media outlets are caving to Trump already. Publishing platforms are at risk. Palmer Report is leading the fight. Help me make it happen:
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After Donald Trump fails on his second visit to Texas floods, he’s reduced to trash talking Hillary Clinton

By Bill Palmer | 09/02/2017

Senile Donald Trump “likes” Twitter post that says he’s “not presidential material”

By Bill Palmer | 09/02/2017

Donald Trump goes berserk, lashes out at the few advisers he has left

By Bill Palmer | 09/02/2017

Sheriff David Clarke’s resignation comes amid his suspicious role in Donald Trump’s Russia scandal

By Bill Palmer | 09/02/2017

Buzz continues to grow around “President Orrin Hatch”

By Bill Palmer | 09/02/2017

Donald Trump unwittingly set his impeachment in motion after getting angry that his golf game was rained out

By Bill Palmer | 09/02/2017

Donald Trump blows his second Texas flood visit by congratulating people and bragging about his hand size

By Bill Palmer | 09/02/2017

GOP has a new strategic reason to impeach Donald Trump and Mike Pence both

By Bill Palmer | 09/02/2017

Robert Mueller now has numerous members of Donald Trump’s senior staff nailed on felonies

By Bill Palmer | 09/02/2017

Donald Trump goes into a tailspin after misspelling the same word for fifth time in two weeks

By Bill Palmer | 09/02/2017