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Republican pundit: Donald Trump finally understands how screwed he is

By Bill Palmer | 07/20/2017

Senate threatens to send U.S. Marshals after Donald Trump Jr.

By Bill Palmer | 07/20/2017

Rand Paul casts suspicion on himself in Donald Trump’s Russia scandal

By Bill Palmer | 07/20/2017

The Democrats just set up a no-win scenario for Donald Trump Jr. ahead of his Russia testimony

By Bill Palmer | 07/20/2017

Donald Trump was talking “adoption” with Putin while everyone else at G20 was talking about “John Podesta”

By Bill Palmer | 07/20/2017

Donald Trump’s kids just fed him to the wolves to get this over with

By Bill Palmer | 07/20/2017

Senate tips off it may already have exchanges between Trump Tower email server and Russian bank

By Bill Palmer | 07/20/2017

Paul Ryan just further outed himself as being a puppet of Russia and Donald Trump

By Bill Palmer | 07/20/2017

Donald Trump brings up Adolf Hitler during interview for no reason, then declares “We’re having a good time!”

By Bill Palmer | 07/20/2017

White House refuses to deny that Donald Trump gave classified info to Putin during secret G20 meeting

By Bill Palmer | 07/20/2017


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