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Donald Trump and the gang that couldn’t stab straight

By Bill Palmer | 07/30/2017

Donald Trump’s week from hell

By Bill Palmer | 07/29/2017

Donald Trump goes berserk again, begins unintelligibly attacking the people who got him elected

By Bill Palmer | 07/29/2017

Now we have some context for why Anthony Scaramucci is in such deranged freefall

By Bill Palmer | 07/29/2017

Vengeful Donald Trump is now trying to wipe out the Republicans in the midterms all by himself

By Bill Palmer | 07/29/2017

Donald Trump’s full scale meltdown is getting more pathetic by the minute

By Bill Palmer | 07/29/2017

Donald Trump declares war on the Republican Congress

By Bill Palmer | 07/29/2017

Donald Trump and his team have an odd obsession with talking about stabbing people

By Bill Palmer | 07/29/2017

Donald Trump Jr. linked to Mexican drug cartel run by El Chapo

By Bill Palmer | 07/29/2017

Donald Trump faces pushback from police chiefs association, Boy Scouts leader, and military top brass in same week

By Bill Palmer | 07/29/2017


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