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Donald Trump White House caught tweeting fake news about Hurricane Irma

By Bill Palmer | 09/10/2017

Donald Trump Jr weighs in ignorantly on the idea of opening Mar-a-Lago as a Hurricane Irma shelter

By Bill Palmer | 09/10/2017

Here’s where the Russian spies may have been hiding who conspired with the Donald Trump campaign

By Bill Palmer | 09/10/2017

Steve Bannon and Paul Manafort already “knew” in advance which surprise swing states Donald Trump would win

By Bill Palmer | 09/10/2017

Ivanka Trump’s tweet about Hurricane Irma backfires spectacularly

By Bill Palmer | 09/10/2017

In the backdrop of Hurricane Irma, Donald Trump tries to raise money – for himself

By Bill Palmer | 09/10/2017

Donald Trump’s strange late night Hurricane Irma tweet doesn’t go over well

By Bill Palmer | 09/10/2017

Donald Trump, Russian Ambassador caught lying about Friday meeting

By Bill Palmer | 09/10/2017

The media jumps on Donald Trump’s bullshit train (again)

By Bill Palmer | 09/09/2017

Hillary Clinton’s new book is forcing a moment of reckoning

By Bill Palmer | 09/09/2017


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